Hi, I'm Gina!

Energetic, music loving, over-achieving, Disney crazed,
weight lifting, 
empathetic & loyal friend

I’m thrilled to have you here and would love to get to know each other! I’m a hands on mom of two, happily married family girl. My fondest moments are spent surrounded by my favorites, dancing, laughing around a big meal and making memories. 

I’m also a veteran teacher who leaves it all in the classroom – some days my energy and sanity get left there too! It’s an artform and a passion, it’s what I love and what I do best! I chug my water, throw my hair into my best messy bun, and work my magic!

Pretty sure you're here because...

You’re feeling one (or all) of the struggles that I have through the years!

  • A new teacher unsure of her control in the classroom
  • A student again, working on a new degree while teaching
  • A mom feeling guilty about grading papers during movie night 


I’ve been there – I see you – I’m here to help

I'd love to work together!

Sign up today to start with my free 9 step guidebook to avoid teacher burnout!